Friday, June 16, 2006


I'm excited

Today, i went to the physio and my shins were good. We wanted to test them out so yesterday i went for a short run. No pain was involved during the run...except the pain in my lungs (from non-exercise). My next physio appt is for 2 weeks away...we are finally making progress. I still need to continue with my 4 exercises daily and i can run every second day but i still need to not push myself too much. The pain (if any) will determine how much i can run.

I ended up getting some shoes and insoles from a store in town. I think i need to return the shoes cause the heels are too loose and my heel seems to lift too much. Today, when i was wearing them again i could feel them rubbing and could tell blisters would be formed if i continue to wear them. The insoles i think might be too high for my arch i also feel light the heel is getting raised too much in the shoes. I wish i wouldve been more selective in the shoes, cause i remember the sign saying refunds for instore credit. Well they didn't have too much running shoes and the other two pairs the sales person selected for me to try on were bad, not a good fit.


Do you have a 'Running Room' store in your town?? They are absolutely wonderful helping you choose the perfect shoes for your feet. Totally worth it, especially if you are already doing Physio for injury.
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